VII Insider – Hilary Roberts and Alison Nordstrom on Archiving

In a VII Insider series of conversations moderated by Paul Lowe, curators Hilary Roberts and Alison Nordström draw upon their vast...

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Ed Kashi wins 2022 Book Photographer of the Year award – International Photography Awards

Ed Kashi’s book, “Abandoned Moments: A Love Letter to Photography,” earned him the 2022 Book Photographer of the Year award. His work...

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Outreach Spotlight: Youth Voices 2021 – YMCA & VII Academy

In this mentorship-based program, teens interacted regularly with experienced photographers and storytellers to create impactful work,...

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Outreach Spotlight: PhotoWings + The VII Foundation

We are excited to announce that PhotoWings is partnering with The VII Foundation and VII Photo Agency to support and enhance the VII...

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Foundry Photojournalism Workshop 2019 – Kigali

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