Outreach Spotlight: PhotoWings + The VII Foundation

Explore the VII + PhotoWings Partnership:

Outreach Spotlight: VII Insider Videos

VII + PhotoWings: Foundry Photojournalism Workshop

Outreach Spotlight: VII + YMCA Youth Voices


About The VII Foundation

The VII Foundation is an independent, charitable media and education non-profit organization. It was founded by Ron Haviv and Gary Knight in 2001 when they recognized that media funding for long-term projects was diminishing. In order to continue to produce work that addressed complex social, economic and human rights issues, they started the Foundation as an independent non-profit structure to secure support for continuing documentary practice and education.

PhotoWings + The VII Foundation

PhotoWings brings you VII Insider in partnership with The VII Foundation and VII Photo Agency

We are excited to announce that PhotoWings is partnering with The VII Foundation and VII Photo Agency to support and enhance the VII Insider programs.

PhotoWings' support allows VII to remove the financial barriers to full membership and make VII Insider available to everyone at no cost. Moving forward, VII Insider event recordings will be accessible on both the VII Insider platform and PhotoWings' expansive media archive.

Explore the VII Insider video archive


About VII Photo Agency

VII is a storied photo agency founded a few days before 9/11 to challenge the convergence in the photography business when the trend for giant companies swallowing smaller independent agencies started. VII went small and photographer-owned, believing in the power and energy of collective effort when everyone else seemed to be going big and corporate. VII remains a disruptive and innovative business unafraid to swim against the prevailing currents.

About PhotoWings

PhotoWings' mission is to highlight and help facilitate the power of photography to influence the world. We help photography to be better understood, created, utilized, seen, and saved.


Featured VII Insider Media:

Photographers and Archives Sessions:
Alison Nordström and Hilary Roberts

Part One: Creating the Archive

Part Two: Accessing the Archive

Part One: Preserving the Archive

In a VII Insider series of conversations moderated by Paul Lowe, curators Alison Nordström and Hilary Roberts draw upon their vast professional experience to consider how archives are created, what is involved in maintaining them for future generations, and issues associated with their exploitation.