Outreach Spotlight: VII Community in Partnership with PhotoWings

Explore the VII + PhotoWings Partnership:

Outreach Spotlight: VII Insider Videos

VII + PhotoWings: Foundry Photojournalism Workshop

Outreach Spotlight: VII + YMCA Youth Voices

Outreach Spotlight: Lost Rolls America

Square Mile Exhibition at Photoville


About The VII Foundation:

The VII Foundation's mission is to transform visual journalism by empowering new voices and creating stories that advocate change. In a world where beliefs and actions are increasingly out-of-sync with facts and realities, transforming visual journalism is an urgent task.

The VII Foundation was developed with a mission to radically transform visual journalism as funding through traditional sources for continuing documentary practice and long-term journalism projects diminished. 

With an emphasis on changing policy and educating youth, our high-profile projects narrate lived experiences, document complex problems, and seek sustainable solutions. The VII Foundation has recently produced prominent films, books, and exhibitions in multiple languages, which have been exhibited worldwide, reviewed in leading media, and taught in schools and colleges.

Outreach Spotlight: VII Community


We are proud to expand our partnership with VII to present Community, with a mission to foster opportunities and further tuition-free education of visual practitioners.

Designed to be a space for open discussion and access to practical collaboration, VII Community provides a career-enhancing network for VII Academy and Foundry Photojournalism Workshop alumni worldwide. The new curated platform centers on continuing education, encouraging comradeship, mentoring, and developing personal and professional skills in a media landscape where collaboration is vital.

Numbering more than 1,000 professionals from more than 138 countries, VII Community members are connected to the profession through online discussions, presentations, reviews, in-person global meet-ups, and a Discord platform for regular exchanges. All of VII Community's activities are tuition-free.

VII Community promotes open discussion, personal development, practical media knowledge, and professional training through monthly talks by industry and other experts, portfolio reviews, mentorships, and educational resources in multiple languages.


Learn more:

VII Community Website


Explore our partnership with
The VII Foundation

VII Foundation + PhotoWings





VII Community Videos


VII Community Activities

Community Hangouts

Monthly opportunities to connect with fellow members, engage in lively conversations, share valuable insights, and exchange ideas about the needs of the Community

Continuing Education Series

Live discussions with field experts on various topics

Photo Reviews and Hands-on Workshops:

Live group sessions where a guest editor or educator will provide feedback on selected projects submitted by alums

Ask me Anything Sessions with VII photographers

AMA video and chat sessions provide opportunities to gain inside knowledge and have questions answered by experts in the field

VII Insider Presentations: 

A select group of alumni is invited to present their work on VII Insider

1-to-1 Program: advisory program with VII photographers:

2024/2025 Program applications should open in June

Portfolio Reviews:

Short sessions in which alumni get an opportunity to have their portfolios reviewed by guest editors, professionals, photographers, and curators

The Square Mile Project: 

Our latest initiative, culminating in a series of events and exhibitions presenting diverse photographic explorations by selected community members