Outreach Spotlight: PhotoWings + The VII Foundation

Explore the VII + PhotoWings Partnership:

Outreach Spotlight: VII Insider Videos

VII Community in partnership with PhotoWings

VII + PhotoWings: Foundry Photojournalism Workshop

Outreach Spotlight: VII + YMCA Youth Voices

Square Mile Exhibition at Photoville


About The VII Foundation

The VII Foundation trains and equips emerging visual journalists from communities underrepresented in the media. These practitioners have a front-seat perspective on urgent challenges that concern us all. The VII Foundation teaches essential skills and strategies to ensure the truth is documented and made available to a global audience seeking to make decisions and choices based on facts, not hearsay.  

The VII Foundation consists of VII Photo, acquired in 2023, along with three educational initiatives: VII AcademyVII Community, and VII Insider.

PhotoWings + The VII Foundation

PhotoWings brings you VII Insider and VII Community,
in partnership with The VII Foundation


PhotoWings' support allows The VII Foundation to remove the financial barriers to full membership and make VII Insider available to everyone at no cost. Moving forward, VII Insider event recordings will be accessible on both the VII Insider platform and PhotoWings' expansive media archive.

VII Insider, in partnership with PhotoWings and VII Photo, is a free online platform that takes you inside the profession of visual journalism to advance the production and analysis of new stories. 

VII Insider offers regular live presentations, an extensive video collection of previous events, and publishes the best writing on the role of images in Dispatches: The VII Insider Blog, which is now available on Substack.

PhotoWings' support allows VII to remove the financial barriers to full membership and make VII Insider available to everyone at no cost. Moving forward, VII Insider event recordings will be accessible on both the VII Insider platform and PhotoWings' expansive media archive.

The VII Foundation consists of VII Photo, acquired in 2023, along with three educational initiatives: VII AcademyVII Community, and VII Insider.


Explore the VII Insider video archive


Featured VII Insider Media:

Photographers and Archives Sessions:
Alison Nordström and Hilary Roberts

Part One: Creating the Archive

Part Two: Accessing the Archive

Part One: Preserving the Archive

In a VII Insider series of conversations moderated by Paul Lowe, curators Alison Nordström and Hilary Roberts draw upon their vast professional experience to consider how archives are created, what is involved in maintaining them for future generations, and issues associated with their exploitation.