Outreach Spotlight:
Eddie Adams Workshop



The Eddie Adams Workshop is an intense four-day gathering of the top photography professionals, along with 100 carefully-selected students. The photography workshop is tuition-free, and the students are chosen based on the merit of their portfolios. Students are divided into ten teams of ten, each led by a preeminent photographer, editor and producer who assign and edit their work over the weekend. In addition to making photos, students watch presentations from industry leaders and are given portfolio reviews by top editors in the field. On the final evening, the teams present their images to the Workshop community. Exceptional student efforts are recognized with awards that include assignments, grants and equipment. The Workshop program is designed to hone skills quickly and provide networking opportunities for these promising photographers.

The Workshop accepts college students, professionals with six years or less experience, and U.S. military photographers. Candidates are required to submit a completed application, an application fee, a personal statement and a portfolio of no more than 20 images. Five photo editors review all applications in the first round to ensure they are complete. In the second and final rounds, a panel of more than a dozen industry professionals votes on portfolios during a full-day review. Applicants not accepted may apply again for future Workshops up to two more times. Workshop alumni are not eligible to apply again. Fifty student photographers and 50 professionals (including military) are selected each year. Students are responsible for transportation to and from Jeffersonville, NY and a fee for room and board.

The all-volunteer faculty and staff at the Workshop represent organizations such as The New York Times, National Geographic, the Associated Press, Getty Images, The Washington Post, ESPN, Reuters and more.

Participating faculty has included Eddie Adams, Michelle V. Agins, Endia Beal, Al Bello, Victor Blue, Mary Calvert, Alan Chin, Carolyn Cole, David Doubilet, Bill Eppridge, Ruth Fremson, Lauren Greenfield, Carol Guzy, Lynn Johnson, Marvin Joseph, Yunghi Kim, Wayne Lawrence, Mary Ellen Mark, John Moore, Carl Mydans, James Nachtwey, Gordon Parks, Akili Ramsess, Eugene Richards, Joe Rosenthal, Ruddy Roye, Howard Schatz, Stephanie Sinclair, Maggie Steber, Sara Terry, John White, Steven Wilkes, Damon Winter and Dan Winters, among many others.

From October 6-9, 2023, the 36th Eddie Adams Workshop welcomed students from 20+ countries who made 91,000 images over 2 days. The 2023  final presentations can be seen at https://eddieadamsworkshop.org/program-2023/




Pulitzer Winners

from 1998 to 2022


World Press Awards

from 1994 to 2022


On Staff

at Reuters, The New York Times, Getty and National Geographic


Global Active Freelancers

with leading photojournalism outlets like AP, Bloomberg and The Washington Post


As part of its ongoing education partnership with The Eddie Adams Workshop, since 2015 PhotoWings has created interviews with the renowned faculty and staff and the series From Experience in which experts reflect on 


Since 2015, as the Workshop’s Education partner, PhotoWings has produced a series of in-depth interviews with its remarkable faculty, including “From Experience” stories that capture important lessons from their legendary careers.




Additional interviews coming soon  


2020 Presentations

2019 Presentations

2018 Interviews

2017 Interviews

2016 Interviews


2016 Presentations
